Love dogs - The body language of a pet dog - LDC21
Love dogs - The body language of a pet dog - LDC21 Please subscribe our channel at: Understanding dog body language is a lesson that every owner needs to remember. 1. Dog wagging tail. When dogs wave their tails down and wave slowly, they do not know what to do. It was also a sign of the question "What does the boss want I to do?". 2. The dog clamps the tail between the hind legs. When scared, in pain or uncomfortable, the dog will sandwich its tail between the hind legs. Therefore, if their tails are often in such condition, you should take them to the vet. 3. The dog's tail is raised and waved. If the tails of these 4-legged friends are raised and wagged, they're ready to follow your request. 4. Dogs open their eyes to you. When dogs open their eyes wide and look at you with agile eyes, they are attracting attention to you. Remember to respond to this friendly act! 5. The dog ears stand up. ...